sâmbătă, 31 august 2013

AVG 2013+licenta full

Avg este una dintre cele mai serioase firme de piata in materie de antivirusi asa ca m-am decis sa va ofer acest antivirus impreuna cu licenta full.Antivirusul merge doar pe sistem pe 32 de biti.
Linkul de download este http://www.hotfiles.ro/download/avg_internet_security_2013_x86.rar/957611
Produsul aduce o interfata grafica noua si cateva imbunatatiri si caracteristici noi, pe care le puteti vedea si in changelog-ul oficial:
* Improved scanning using enhanced scanning algorithms for faster scanning.
* Improved compatibility with a detected 3rd party Firewall.
* Refined threshold for browser memory consumption.
* Boot accelerator optimizes time needed for boot up.
* Fresh and new user interface for easier navigation and better user experience.
* AVG 2013 is fully compatible with Windows 8.
* Anti-Rootkit: Improved reporting of corrupted sections.
* Anti-Spam: Improved configuration of all Anti-Spam components.
* General: Alert Manager component has been removed.
* General: Update selection dialog has been removed.
* General: System Tools component has been removed.
* Setup: Driver installation logging has been extended to provide enhanced information.
* Setup: Search Shield component will not be installed by default, but only after having been selected for installation.

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